Quark Quiche Lorraine
Great enjoyed hot or cold, this quiche recipe is sure to be loved by all the family.
Adding Graham’s double cream to this recipes makes the scrambled eggs light, creamy and utterly delicious.
5 minutes
10 minutes
Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon has to be a Christmas time brunch highlight. The puritans will say scrambled eggs should be just that, scrambled eggs. Carina adds Graham’s double cream to make them light, creamy and utterly delicious.
Choose a good non-stick frying pan and add a blob of butter. Lightly beat the eggs, cream and salt in a small bowl.
Once the butter has melted, add the eggs to the pan. Using a wooden spoon, gently move the eggs around the pan. You don’t want to over cook the eggs – the idea is you want a light fluffy texture so leave them for a several seconds or so then move the eggs again.
As soon as the runny egg has blended remove from the heat and fold in the dill. If you keep cooking the eggs will over cook, spoil and become too hard.
Serve on a warm plate and layer the smoked salmon on top to help keep the eggs warm (just like leaving them beside a warm blanket)
Choose your favourite oak smoked salmon. We love James Dickson of Port Seton or Inverawe Smokehouses.