Blackberry Crumble
This is the mother of all crumble toppings. It cannot be beaten (or if you think it can, please send in a letter with your recipe and I guarantee I will consider it!).
This is the mother of all crumble toppings. It cannot be beaten (or if you think it can, please send in a letter with your recipe and I guarantee I will consider it!).
This recipe doesn’t necessarily involve any baking, but you can if you like. I choose to make my Crème Brulee on the stovetop, for I find it infinitely more reliable (and it’s far quicker).
Compared to your average British or American apple based snacks, these guys just take the biscuit. Or the pastry. But which is the easier look and taste to achieve at home? The French, by miles.
A good homemade iced bun is possibly the most brilliant baked good on the planet. It’s a swirl that keeps you coming back for more and more and more – it doesn’t have the richness of a pastry or the sweet sickliness of sticky syrupy equivalents.
Quite probably our favourite choux pastry treat. Simple, pure and oh so yummy – sometimes the humblest treat is the best. Make with a Graham’s trio by using our whole milk, salted butter and double cream.
Still got a sweet tooth after Easter but fed up with chocolate eggs and hot cross buns? These quirky muffins are a very delicious and seasonal alternative.
Surely not?! We hear you ask… But believe it or not this combination of sweet and savoury makes for a perfect tingly taste sensation. Trust us, he’s that one from the telly!
A go-to recipe in baking emergencies. People coming over imminently, cupboards and fridge barren but for flour, an egg and some leftover fruit. The solution? Muffins.
Give this a go if you like bananas – it’s a great way to use up the old black ones, because these work best incorporated into the cake. For a bit more bite in the topping, use those that are slightly green.
There’s something truly amazing about the combination of cherry and chocolate that goes far beyond any alliteration present. It just works.
This recipe is one that will not let you down. It is a classic; it was passed down the generations of my family and has finally ended up here with me.
Red velvet cake is a tricky one. It’s not tricky in terms of making it (it virtually always works) but it’s tricky in terms of choosing your recipe.