Quark Quiche Lorraine
Great enjoyed hot or cold, this quiche recipe is sure to be loved by all the family.
Showing 16 recipes...
Great enjoyed hot or cold, this quiche recipe is sure to be loved by all the family.
When it comes to seasonal baking, there is one bake that is underappreciated and under-recognised throughout the Scotland, the UK and the World. That bake is Black Bun. The idea of a cake-like mix inside a pastry filling seems a bit strange, but it just works.
Eggs Benedict is a favourite of mine and it’s not as hard to make as you might think!
Deliciously light waffles from Flora Shedden topped with our fat free, high protein Vanilla Quark!
Alana and Lisa from The Gut Stuff have made it their mission to empower gut health in everyone and they want to shout it from the rooftops, so have created this kefir recipe to help us spread the message.
With a bit of forward planning this makes for a speedy morning pastry. The mixture of a good crème patisseries with fat juicy raisins will give anyone a spring in their step.
Not only is this recipe really very painless and risk-free, but it’s a demonstration of my one, ever-repeating concept in bread making: the wetter, the better. And this dough’s nice & clammy.
This recipe takes all the best bits of baguettes and compresses them into an easy-to-make bread, lacking in hard work and complex time restrictions.
This is one of James’s favourite recipes, of all time. If you’ve never tried baking bread before, please try this one.
From this recipe, you can extrapolate every other variation. Want fruit scones? Leave the spice. Want plain? Leave the fruit as well.
Banana and toffee is one of those classic combinations that works well in pretty much any expression. And muffins are no exception.
With the recent election ferocity, it’s about time we focused on harmony. Muffin harmony. There are flavours that go well together and flavours that don’t. Or at least, they don’t seem to at first glance.