If you’re a fan of our range of cheeses you’ll probably already have your favourite. Our Mild Red Scottish Cheddar, Mature Scottish Cheddar and Extra Mature Scottish Cheddar each have their own distinct appearance, texture and flavour – all thanks to a carefully engineered ripening process. We’ll go into detail on each of these in a minute but first…
What do we mean by cheese ripening?
The majority of cheese is ripened – with the exception of fresh cheese of course. Ripening is a process in which the most distinctive characteristics of the cheese come about. To say it’s a formage-ative stage would be an understatement. OK, no more cheese puns. Promise.
The origins of cheese ripening
In the past, ripening would often take place in a cool dark space like a cellar or even cave – that’s because temperature and humidity have a big effect on how the cheese ripens and its character once it’s ready to eat. In France, a country famed for its fine cheeses, cheesemakers found a resourceful use for its many abandoned underground railway lines and used them as ripening rooms. Without any of today’s high-tech machinery and hygiene standards to make things safe and easy, this process was truly a labour of love.
Some tasting notes on our cheddars
So, how do our various cheddars differ in character? Here’s a few tasting notes on each.
Mild Red Scottish Cheddar – The most mellow of the bunch, this one has a deliciously creamy texture and a perfectly balanced taste. Great under the grill or on a baked potato!
Mature Scottish Cheddar – Rich and creamy this one’s even got a touch of sweetness and a wholesome nutty undertone. A fantastic addition to your next batch of cheese scones.
Extra Mature Scottish Cheddar – This cheddar’s for those who like their cheeses strong and distinctive. Fits into a typical ploughman’s piece perfectly!
Thoughts? Comments? Cheese puns? We’d love to hear them.