Being based in Andy Murray’s hometown, naturally we get very excited when summer comes around and brings another Wimbledon tournament with it. It’s not only the action of the matches, it’s the whole atmosphere that we love. Tennis whites, celeb spotting in the crowd, predictions of whether it’s going to rain or not, and most importantly – a bowl of freshly made strawberries and cream.
Why strawberries and cream at Wimbledon?
But what’s the story behind why Wimbledon’s adopted this simple yet deliciously summery dish? Well, it all goes back to Victorian Britain. Records suggest that the dish was first served throughout the very first tournament in 1877. Imagine sitting in amongst the crowd of 200, watching Spencer Gore beating W. C. Marshall over a dessert that would soon become synonymous with the sport. No one really knows why strawberries and cream took off at Wimbledon but it could be as simple as the fact that the fruit comes into season in the summer.
An enduring summer classic
New champions, new racket designs, an ever-so-slightly bigger audience… things have clearly moved on a lot at Wimbledon since the 19th century – but the popularity of strawberries and cream certainly isn’t one of them. Did you know that each year Wimbledon crowds get through around 28 tonnes of strawberries? That’s definitely going to be a sore back for whoever was doing the picking!
Of course, all those strawberries are just crying out for a decent serving of cream too. About 7,000 litres of it, actually. As you can imagine, that amount of fresh produce is no easy operation. But with over 140,000 portions served it’s not going away any time soon.
Fancy making your own?
If you’re watching from home, it couldn’t be easier to get a taste of that classic Wimbledon atmosphere. Just grab some good quality strawberries and your Graham’s cream of choice – and we’ve got plenty of cream to choose from! If you’re feeling indulgent you might want to try our Gold Top Jersey Double Cream, or for something a little lighter try our single cream.
Feel free to send us your strawberries and cream masterpieces on our social channels – Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. We’re always keen to see how our fans are using our products!