If you’ve not yet tried any of the products in our Gold range, we reckon you’re seriously missing out! Named for its distinctive golden colour, our Gold Top milk is produced by our herd of lovely Jersey cows and used throughout the whole range of products from spreadable butter to double cream. Sometimes known as ‘Channel Island Milk’, it’s produced all over the world, but only by Jersey or Gurnsey cows. The name ‘Gold Top’ refers to the distinctive foil tops that milkmen once used to distinguish between it and the more commonly-found ‘white’ milk Friesian cattle which had silver tops.
Meet the girls
We’ve got a herd of almost 300 beautiful Jerseys here making the most of their lush surroundings at our farm here in the heart of Stirlingshire. They’re so much more than a collection of pretty faces though. These iconic animals are perfect for the Scottish, ahem… sometimes challenging climate. They’re a hardy bunch, able to stay outside for longer through the year thanks to their lighter-than-average cow’s body weight (no offence Fresians). These cows can make around 30 litres of glorious golden milk each day too, so we’re big fans.
Why go ‘gold’?
Often thought of as an indulgent option, Gold Top milk has a thicker, creamier and generally more luxurious taste and texture. However, a lot of people don’t know that it has higher levels of vitamin A, D and calcium than most other types of milk. Not only that but it’s also a better source of protein than standard milk – so great news for any gym bunnies looking to up their intake.
For those of you who are kitchen-keen, Gold Top milk can be a great substitute for cream in many recipes. Great if you’re counting the calories as switching up the double cream for Gold Top takes the fat content of whatever you’re cooking down a notch or two. Our ‘Gold Smooth’ is a great way to add flavour to the blandest of breakfast cereals. Or if you’re a ‘cream at the top’ traditionalist our Gold Top is the milk for you.
As if that wasn’t reason enough to try our Gold Range – it recently won big at the annual Scottish Food and Drink Excellence Awards! Our Gold Smooth milk took the prize in the Dairy category (sponsored by Michael Page), we’re chuffed to say the least! Time to make room on that awards shelf…
You can check out the rest of the range on our product page – and don’t forget to let us know what you think on our social channels!