Who would have thought that baking could be such a rich source of entertainment? This year will mark the ninth season of the ever popular show, proving that there’s way more to the art of baking than perfect recipes. Since the series began in 2010 we’ve been treated to plenty of the latter and just as many unforgettable personalities as well. Here’s a few of our favourite moments from over the years.
James’ jumpers
First things first, James is an incredible baker (so good he even has his own recipe page on our website) – but his choice of jumpers might just be a close second in our list of favourite things about the man.
Nadiya’s expressions
The secret ingredient was most definitely sass for Nadiya and her tell-all facial expressions. Something we wouldn’t change for the world.
The Bincident
How can we forget the uproar around Iain’s baked alaska attempt? Oh, the drama.
Doughnut cocktails
One recipe we’d love to have been there to try was these incredible doughnut cocktails, which Mary certainly seemed to enjoy!
Remember the time that Catherine threw the strudel dough on the floor when trying out Paul Hollywood’s ‘traditional technique’? It was, after all, the event that gave birth to the unforgettable quote; ‘I’m not serving green caret to Mary Berry!’
What were your favourite moments from the show? Let us know in the comments!