It won’t take you too much of a look over our website and our social media accounts to realise that we’re butter fans. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that we love this golden dairy goodness. Why is that though? Well, we’ve put together this handy list of reasons.
1) Our ancestors have been eating butter for centuries
We’ve already written about the process behind how butter is made and in that blog we mentioned that when the Romans first began taking an interest in the British Isles they noted that the locals produced butter. That means we’ve been enjoying butter on these isles for at least 2000 years. And they do say that you should listen to your elders!
2) Butter’s a single ingredient food
At a time when we’re all putting more focus on what’s in the food we eat and how it’s made, it’s comforting to remember that butter is made from nothing else other than churned cream. Unless you’re enoying one of our slightly salted butter varieties, which have had just the right amount of salt added.
3) Butter’s great with sweet or savoury dishes
Whether it’s that slice of hot toast first thing in the morning, or a cheeky afternoon fruit scone, butter is the perfect accompaniment. It manages to lift sweet or savoury dishes; something you’ll know if you use our recipes section in which top names like Flora Shedden and Nick Nairn swear by our Graham’s Butter range for their dishes.
4) Spreadable versions mean you don’t have to wait before buttering your toast
We love our traditional blocks of butter but we also know that busy lives mean many of you don’t want to have to wait for your butter to soften before spreading it on a slice of warm toast. That’s why we also produce our Graham’s Spreadable range, so that you can be sure of a smoothly buttered slice every time.
Did you know that butter has vitamins in it?
Butter is something that should be enjoyed in moderation so we’d never suggest it as a main source of nutrients but it’s good to know that it does contain a range of vitamins.
The vitamin it’s richest in is Vitamin A, which is needed for a healthy immune system, to aid vision in the dark (hence why your gran probably told you to eat carrots to help you see in the dark!), and to keep your skin healthy.
As well as Vitamin A, butter also contains:
- Vitamin D (helps keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy).
- Vitamin E (supports healthy skin and eyes).
- Vitamin B12 (helps support the nervous system).
- Vitamin K2 (important for blood clotting).
- Calcium (supports strong bones and teeth).
It turns out you love our butter too
It’s all very well us enjoying our butter but what’s most important is that our customers enjoy it. That’s why we’ve been so delighted to have our butter range pick up so many awards in recent years. These include:
- Overall Dairy Champion at the 2016 Royal Highland Show for Scottish Slightly Salted Butter.
- Winner of the Dairy Category at the 2016 Scottish Food and Drink Excellence Awards for our spreadable range.
- Overall Butter Champion at the Royal Highland Show for the last five years as well as winning the Champion of Champions award at the 2015 Royal Highland Show where our Scottish Slightly Salted Butter was awarded the Overall Dairy Champion
If you’re already a fan of Graham’s butter then thank you. If you haven’t tried our butter yet then please give it a try soon. We promise you, we know how to put on a good spread!